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Friday, March 9, 2007

So it IS all about me...

I recently read a post by Kem Meyers taking an interesting twist on the well known phrase, "Church is not about you!". Although Kem's idea is designed for a capital campaign, easily the concept translates to the ongoing challenge of recruiting volunteers to serve within the ministry.
Try this on for size...
"It's my story, it's my decision, it's my chance to make a difference..." http://kemmeyer.typepad.com/less_clutter_noise/2007/02/theming_a_capit.html

Is there a better approach to recruiting? A more effective way of communicating that a well-placed volunteer is not just filling a hole but is rather fulfilling a God-given opportunity to change someone's world.

Even as a ministry leader, I find myself trying to figure out how ministry fits into my life rather than how my life fits into this ministry. If I need to be reminded of the reality that it's 'my story, my decision, my chance to make difference...', then why am I surprised when a volunteer needs it?

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