A day without coffee is like... sleep.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Where are we going? How will we get there?

In this week's team meeting, Chris talked about measurables. Achieving some measurables may be easier than others. For example...

  • 75% KONNECT registration from the average Toon Town and Studio 45 weekend attendance... isn't all that difficult to achieve. Yet of all those kids registered 75% attendance at KONNECT is a little more challenging
  • 90% 'Needed vs. Present' Cast Member numbers for 10:00am isn't a problem. But the 5:30? Different story
  • 1,564 LifeKIDS weekend attendance sounds GREAT! Until you're trying to reach it and simply unsure of how we can directly impact the attendance of a 5 year old!
So... let's share some ideas. Mudsling. The sky is the limit. This week...
  • What small steps can we take to raise our KONNECT attendance from 50% to 55%?
  • What random thing can we throw out to inspire 3 more people to serve at the 5:30?
  • Where do we go to find another 15 kids to come to church?
Let's have it...

1 comment:

Cari said...

Small steps...way to break it down Gina. I like it.
5% increase in KONNECT attendance this week...my first thought is to identify the WHY 1/2 the kids registered for KONNECT choose not to come each week (or why parents don't bring them). Is it they don't understand the vision of KONNECT? We've made them watch a video explaining it. Or, are they truly getting it and too busy discipling their children at home and enjoying their family time together that they just don't make it. But, then they've missed out on the LifeGroup experience for their child and probably for themselves, too. So, anyway, enough of the potential WHY's. We've offered rewards for attendance (KONNECT Karacter Kards) and explained the importance of consistency. What next? Bribery? Threats? Think---what kind of a program (besides school which is mandatory) has a consistent attendance rate of at least 55%? Sports teams, karate class? When was the last time that only 1/2 of a soccer team showed up for practice on a regular basis? It just doesn't happen. People sign their kids up for karate, and (I'm guessing) they show up fairly regularly. So, what does soccer have that we don't? Team? We have circle groups. Fun? We got plenty of that. Competition? ?? Do we have any/enough of this? Is this the missing ingredient? I think maybe we're just too nice...letting parents off easy and not threatening them with their childs spiritual health and future that hangs delicately in the balance. We have so little time with them as impressionable kids. Maybe we could scare them into bringing their kids---make 'em spend an evening watching the teenagers at SWITCH!